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Shannon Griffiths2024年6月26日0条评论
Special Update: June Events and Donations
We are thrilled to update all our supporters and sponsors on the amazing events that have taken place this month!
Charity Football Match ⚽🏅
Every year, a charity football match takes place in Redditch where local Sunderland lads play a friendly match. This year, they managed to raise an incredible £596.00! An amazing £300.00 of this came from Eddison Reed-Brown, Louie's Godfather. Here’s what Eddie had to say:
"I’ve been playing in an annual charity game now for 3 years and when giving the opportunity to nominate a charity it was an easy and honourable decision to pick one so close to my heart. The fact I raised £300 for Louie’s trust is absolutely amazing and to seal it off with another win in the game made even better. Louis was definitely watching over us that day and I’d like to dedicate the goal I scored to him. I hope this money raised helped the charity support those in need as much as possible."
The event was even more successful as the lads brought home the win for the third year in a row! 🏆
Fullwell Methodist Church Cake Sale 🍰
The Fullwell Methodist Church Cake Sale raised £320 by selling cakes, biscuits, and other home-baked goods. The proceeds were split between the local church community and Louie's Trust. Louie’s grandparents have recently become members of the community, and we look forward to working with the church organisers in the future.
Thank you to everyone who baked, bought, and enjoyed the delicious treats!
Donations and Support 🤝
With the donations made this month, we have been able to donate a much-needed tumble dryer to Ward 2A of the Great North Children’s Hospital. This request came from the ward staff, who have been without a way for parents to dry children's clothes on the ward for some time now.
Additionally, we received a request from Sunderland Royal Hospital this week for some play food, dollhouse furniture, and baby dolls to update their playroom, which is used by many children daily. We are delighted to fulfil this request and make the playroom a happier place for the kids. 🧸
Thank you all for your continuous support and generosity! Together, we make a significant difference in our community. 💙
Shannon Griffiths2024年1月24日0条评论
2023 年的最后几个月,我和我的合作伙伴踏上了创建路易信托基金的旅程,灵感来自我们的儿子路易 (Louie) 前往大北方儿童医院 (Great North Children's Hospital) 时所经历的令人难以置信的旅程。在医院的最初几天就像旋风一样,我们很快意识到需要照顾路易、维持家庭生活以及以某种方式管理工作承诺是多么困难。我们发现,对于像我们这样的父母来说,他们的可用支持存在明显差距——那些努力应对在医院生孩子的独特挑战的父母。决心做出积极的改变,我们决定将经验转化为行动。
2023 年 10 月,我们推出了网站,揭示了我们改变家庭生活的使命。我们收到的大量支持确实令人惊叹!在短短几天内,我们的社区团结在一起,为我们的事业捐款超过 1,000 英镑——这是一个完全出乎意料且温馨的惊喜。社区的热烈反响促使我们采取行动!有了我们收到的慷慨资金,我们没有浪费任何时间。我们一心一意地为准备迎接圣诞节的家庭传播节日的欢乐。从挑选玩具到收集必需品,我们的使命很明确:为孩子们及其兄弟姐妹制作神奇的平安夜盒子并精心挑选礼物。
反响超出了我们的预期,在游戏之夜期间售出了 40 多张门票,并筹集了 410.41 英镑的善款。这一令人难以置信的成就不仅超出了我们最初的筹款目标,还使我们 2023 年的捐款总额达到了惊人的 4,192.00 英镑!这个成功故事证明了我们的社区、家人和朋友的无限慷慨。他们对我们愿景的信任和坚定不移的支持是我们取得成就的动力。我们永远感谢迄今为止为我们的旅程提供动力的善意和信念。